God Is Certainly Powerful Enough to Preserve the True Book He Revealed
It is of course understandable why some Christians are unwilling to admit the possibility of the Gospel, sent down by God as a source of light, changing over the course of time and being misinterpreted. They may be uneasy at the idea of obeying a true book that has been corrupted. But sincere Christians need to bear this in mind: The present-day Gospel is to a large extent true. The original Gospel sent down to Jesus (pbuh) is revelation from God consisting of very profound and wise words and is praised in the Koran. Just like Christians, Muslims also have a duty to abide by those words.
In addition, all the original, uncorrupted Gospel has been preserved. It is waiting where it has been concealed for the time of its discovery. By God’s leave, the original of the Gospel will be discovered in the time when we see the coming of Jesus and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). There is therefore a Gospel that has not been altered in any way, as Christians maintain. Our criticisms here are directed toward those parts of the four Gospels, which are currently regarded as true but that harbor numerous discrepancies, that have been distorted and misinterpreted. The existence of such sections is so evident as to be easily apparent to any honest Christian. The contents of this book call on our Christian brothers to reflect with reason, logic and good conscience.
Almighty God is of course powerful enough to preserve the true books He sends down as guides for people. Some Christians point to this sublime attribute of our Lord in order to repudiate statements about the Gospel having been corrupted. However, there is secret wisdom here that needs to be properly understood:
To reiterate, of course God is powerful enough to preserve His book. Almighty God is also powerful enough to create everything in the universe quite flawlessly. It is God Who also creates flaws and defects in the universe. There is particular wisdom behind God’s creating flaws. Through these, we always remember that this world is a place of temporary testing, that we are weak before God and that our true abode is in the hereafter, not this world. One cannot grow proud in the face of deficiencies and one will always be aware of one’s weakness before and need of God.
The Christian world is obviously being tested by this. They are being invited to heed their consciences.The corruption of the Holy Gospel, the evidence for which is perfectly clear, is something that happened by God’s leave and will. It was created with wisdom as part of a very special test by God. If God creates it in this way and shows the evidence on the subject so clearly, then we must see and grasp the wisdom behind it, rather than being stubborn about it.
This state of affairs is clearly required in order for people to seek the coming of Jesus and the true Gospel.
With this test, false beliefs may perhaps enfold the world, people may be encouraged toward conflict, disorder and bloodshed in the name of religion and the signs of the coming of Jesus and Hazrat Mahdi revealed in the Torah, Gospel, Koran and hadiths will come about. Therefore, the real task befalling sincere Christians is to seek and apply the true provisions of the Gospel.
At the same time, Christians must be aware of the reality that all the genuine provisions of the true Gospel are present and reported in the Koran. The true provisions of the Gospel are also contained in the Koran, for which reason Muslims also have an obligation to live by the true Gospel.
The Koran is a true book that confirms the Gospel. Therefore, in the same way that Muslims are followers of the Prophet Muhammad, they are also followers of Jesus who apply the true Gospel and followers of Moses who apply the true Torah. Therefore, if a sincere Christian wishes to abide by the truth of the Gospel and to arrange his life in the light of the true Gospel, he will find all the relevant provisions in the Koran. The true Gospel is one of our holy books that Almighty God praises in the Koran. God reveals in the Koran that the Gospel was a guide for the people at the time it was sent down:
And We sent 'Jesus son of Mary following in their footsteps,
confirming the Torah that came before him. We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light, confirming the Torah that came before it, and as guidance and admonition for those who have fear of God.
(Koran, 5:46)
confirming the Torah that came before him. We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light, confirming the Torah that came before it, and as guidance and admonition for those who have fear of God.
(Koran, 5:46)
He has sent down the Book to you with truth, confirming what was there before it. And He sent down the Torah and the Gospel, previously, as guidance for mankind … (Koran, 3:3-4)
And We sent Jesus son of Mary following in their footsteps, confirming the Torah that came before him. We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light, confirming the Torah that came before it, and as guidance and admonition for those who have piety. (Koran, 5:46)
Then We sent Our messengers following in their footsteps and sent Jesus son of Mary after them, giving him the Gospel. We put compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him. They invented monasticism – We did not prescribe it for them – purely out of desire to gain the pleasure of God, but even so they did not observe it as it should have been observed. To those of them who had faith We gave their reward but many of them are deviators. (Koran, 57:27)
In conclusion, our Christian brothers must read the Koran from that perspective before rejecting it out of prejudice. It must not be forgotten that everyone who seeks the understanding with which to differentiate truth from falsehood can attain this great blessing from God.
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